While some anime is created targeting children, anime is mostly aimed towards an older audience. Anime is very diverse and represents an amalgamation of art, culture, and entertainment. Influenced by celebrity fans, people today are delving into this new universe that focuses on more than just brash humor. Being aesthetically pleasing and eye-catching, it has become mainstream in the American culture. Even with its unrealistic storyline, the artistic component is a huge part of the enjoyment of anime. In short, all things that make them even more appealing for viewers. Animators employ 3D animation, special effects, and brilliant colorists to create striking images that depict exaggerated feelings, fight scenes with lethal injuries, interesting characters with humongous body standards and unmatched adventure. Rooted in core Japanese culture, Anime is a unique genre of entertainment that offers an escape from the struggles of daily life into a fantastical and crazy world. Originating from the English word Animation, anime is a multimedia art involving hand-drawn and computer animation.